Tuesday 20 May 2014

Operation Chicken Fort: Don't sweat the small stuff

Don't sweat the small stuff, we say. Well all the small stuff remaining on the chicken coop certainly left me sweaty this past weekend.

We wrapped up the metal roofing this week...almost. We still need the cap but all the panels are on and secure. It looks good.
Our new roof.

Cliff build some roosting bars and the nesting boxes. He installed those and put in a door. Josh and I started the fencing. My dad and I ran the chicken wire around the base and cleared out the old fencing and lots of the scrap wood that was still lying about.

The escape hatch.

So where are we at?

Roofer's selfie.

This week we should finish the roof with the topper. The next step is the fencing. We need a gate next to the door to allow access to the chickens' door. We also need to run fencing along the existing road fence and start building our fence line down in the trees.

I think we are looking at another week, possibly two before we can unleash the birds.

We're waiting...

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